Rocks 'n' Roots's blog

Does Preen work well with mulch?

Does Preen work well with mulch?

Weed seeds require light to sprout. Mulch deprives them of that light, preventing their sprouting. Where does Preen come into that picture? The war against weeds is won at the seed level. There's an old saying: “one year’s weeds create seven years seeds.” It’s true! 

How to Build Concrete Lawn & Garden Borders by Quikrete

Building Concrete Lawn & Garden Borders

Concrete landscape borders can be a decorative, functional and affordable addition to your yard or garden. Poured-in-place concrete borders are perfect for lawn edging, tree surrounds, driveway curbs and garden borders. Concrete borders are also very versatile and can be designed and built to match any landscape contour and they will last for years.


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